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Payment Hub

i2c chats with PYMNTS about its latest innovation, Payment Hub.

Mid-sized FI Segment Performance

Mid-sized FIs are behind the innovation curve but can catch up

When it comes to innovation success, mid-sized FIs lag far behind their peers. They have a lot to learn from top innovators and need to act now. A focus on proactive about planning, budgeting, and leveraging the right technology as an equalizer will help them build and keep a competitive edge.

73 Top Performers
41 Mid Performers

Say their core payments systems are well-suited for innovation

80 Top Performers
30 Mid Performers

Say they will focus on adding new features to existing products

75 Top Performers
25 Mid Performers

Percentage of payments budget allocated to funding innovation


Innovation Readiness:
FI Segment Performer


Innovation Readiness:
Index Overview


How Mid-Sized Banks Stack Up


Payments Focus:
Past Vs. Future